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    Death And Dying – A Key To Creation weekend course Stockholm 26-27 Okt. 2024

    adminMar 22, 20245 min read

    For English version, click here En weekendkurs med Lene HandbergStockholm…

    Module Graduation I9

    Pre announcement International Retreat ‘Unity in Duality’ July 2 to 6 2024

    adminJan 23, 20244 min read

    For all senior students who-are in the process of becoming,-have…


    Subscription First UD International Training 2023-2026 still possible until 3 Febr. 2024

    adminDec 23, 20231 min read

    There is a extra module 1 week 1 in 2024…


    Buddhist Psychology I – The Cradle Available On Amazon

    adminNov 14, 20231 min read

    This book is based on UD Training in Brussels, Vaibhāṣika…

    Man of Peace & Dream Wisdom THUS UD

    “Man of Peace”, published by Tibet House, US (New York)

    adminAug 8, 20231 min read

    Man of Peace is the major graphic novel undertaken and…

    Announcement first UD International Training 2023-2026

    Announcement first UD International Training 2023-2026

    adminMay 26, 20233 min read

    This first UD International training is in the frame of…

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    Death And Dying – A Key To Creation weekend course Stockholm 26-27 Okt. 2024

    For English version, click here En weekendkurs med Lene HandbergStockholm 26-27 oktober 2024 Under denna kurs kommer det indo-tibetanska perspektivet på döden och döendet att introduceras. Kursen är upplevelsebaserad och deltagarna kommer att få pröva meditationer och övningar för att…

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    • Death And Dying – A Key To Creation weekend course Stockholm 26-27 Okt. 2024

      For English version, click here

      En weekendkurs med Lene Handberg
      Stockholm 26-27 oktober 2024

      Under denna kurs kommer det indo-tibetanska perspektivet på döden och döendet att introduceras. Kursen är upplevelsebaserad och deltagarna kommer att få pröva meditationer och övningar för att lära sig hantera det faktum att vi alla kommer att dö och den rädsla detta medför. Utifrån buddhistisk filosofi kan medvetenheten om döden hjälpa oss att leva vårt liv fullt ut, här och nu.

      Lene Handberg har sedan ung ålder intresserat sig för tibetansk buddhistisk meditation och kommit att ägna sitt liv åt att undervisa och sprida dess budskap. Hon är också utbildad psykolog och psykoterapeut. I början av 1990-talet träffade Lene den tibetanska laman Tarab Tulku Rinpoché. Under sina 20 år i Danmark hade han arbetat för att göra den tibetanska buddhismen tillgänglig för människor som vuxit upp i västerländsk kultur.

      Tarab Tulku och Lene byggde tillsammans upp Tarab Institute och utbildningen Unity in Duality. Det är en utbildning i tibetansk buddhism där stort fokus sätts på den moderna människans behov att återknyta kontakten med sig själv, andra människor och naturen. Efter Tarab Tulkus bortgång 2004 har Lene fortsatt deras gemensamma arbete. Den fyraåriga utbildningen finns nu i sex länder, däribland Indien. Dessutom hålls kortare kurser och retreater med en rad olika teman. En av dessa kurser är Death and Dying – A Key To Creation.

      Döden ses, inom indo-tibetansk kultur, inte som det absoluta slutet på livet. Du behöver dock inte dela denna trosuppfattning för att gå den här kursen. Kursen vänder sig till alla som är intresserade av att förstå hur vårt förhållningssätt till döden påverkar hur vi känner oss i det liv vi lever idag. Den riktar sig både till dig som praktiserat buddhism en längre tid och till dig som är helt ny inom detta område.

      Praktisk information

      • Datum: 26–27 oktober 2024
      • Tid: 10–17 båda dagarna
      • Plats: Oasen Gärdet, Värtavägen 35
      • Pris: 170 €
        Pris för studerande, sjukskrivna och arbetslösa: 120 €

      Betalas till:
      Nordea, Risskov, Aarhus
      To “UD Publishing”, name: “UD Stockholm Oct”
      Reg. nr. 1329
      Kontonummer: 8968410785
      IBAN: DK91 2000 8968 4107 85

      Kontakt och anmälan: Christer Andevid tel 0708692255

      Kursen hålls på engelska, men det går bra att göra övningar och ställa frågor till Lene på svenska.
      Läs mer om kursen och om Tarab Institute

      English version

      Death And Dying – A Key To Creation

      A weekendcourse with Lene Handberg
      Stockholm 26-27 oktober 2024

      During this course the Indo-Tibetan perspective on death and dying will be introduced. The course is experiential and participants will try meditations and exercises to learn to deal with the fact that we will all die and the fear this entails. Based on Buddhist philosophy, the awareness of death can help us live our lives fully, here and now.

      Lene Handberg has been interested in Tibetan Buddhist meditation since a young age and has come to dedicate her life to teaching and spreading its message. She is also a trained psychologist and psychotherapist. In the early 1990s, Lene met the Tibetan lama Tarab Tulku Rinpoché. During his 20 years in Denmark, he had worked to make Tibetan Buddhism accessible to people raised in Western culture.

      Tarab Tulku and Lene built up the Tarab Institute and the training Unity in Duality together. It is an education in Tibetan Buddhism where great focus is placed on modern man’s need to reconnect with himself, other people and nature. After Tarab Tulkus’ death in 2004, Lene has continued their joint work. The four-year education is now available in six countries, including India. In addition, shorter courses and retreats are held with a range of different themes. One of these courses is Death and Dying – A Key To Creation.

      In Indo-Tibetan culture, life, our birth and death, and everything in between is seen as a natural process of change. By being aware that we are in this process at every moment, we can feel a stronger presence and sense of life. It starts from an acceptance of the circumstances of all human life – that we will all die one day and that we consciously or unconsciously relate to this.

      Tarab Tulku believed that the fear and taboos surrounding death built up in our culture are a contributing factor to our difficulties in being in touch with ourselves in the present. In this weekend course, it will be offered the opportunity to reconnect with ourselves on a deeper level through meditations and exercises, with death and dying as a theme. By confronting and learning to deal with our own fear of death, we can also become better at supporting people who are dying or have lost a loved one.

      Death, in Indo-Tibetan culture, is not seen as the absolute end of life. However, you do not have to share this belief to take this course. The course is aimed at anyone who is interested in understanding how our approach to death affects how we feel in the life we live today. It is aimed both at those who have practiced Buddhism for a long time and at those who are completely new to this field.

      Practical information

      • Date: 26-27 October 2024
      • Time: 10–17 both days
      • Location: Oasen Gärdet, Värtavägen 35 Stockholm
      • Price: €170
        Price for students, those on sick leave and the unemployed: €120

      Bankaccount for payment:
      Nordea, Risskov, Aarhus
      To “UD Publishing”, name: “UD Stockholm Oct”
      Reg. no. 1329
      Account number: 8968410785
      IBAN: DK91 2000 8968 4107 85

      Contact and registration: Christer Andevid tel 0708692255

      The course is held in English, but it is fine to do exercises and ask questions to Lene in Swedish.
      Read more about the course and about the Tarab Institute

    • Pre announcement International Retreat ‘Unity in Duality’ July 2 to 6 2024

      For all senior students who
      -are in the process of becoming,
      -have finished the formal training and are considering to become,
      -already are,
      graduate in Unity in Duality (STM)

      After the success of our retreat in Vallcebre last year, we are happy to announce that we have planned again such a retreat for this year. The aim of the retreat is again to create the opportunity to strengthen your individual practice and condition, to support people in the process of becoming a graduate and most of all to further build on our international community, which we consider as of the utmost importance for the continuation and flourishing of UD in the coming years.
      The past two years we all have greatly enjoyed the meditations, the discussions with Lene to clarify deeply some key-concepts of UD, the undisturbed time to write from this meditative base, the supportive sessions and the evenings of exchange. Hence we are mostly sticking to this formula and hope it will be of use for the individual processes of all.
      We are organizing this retreat for all senior students and graduates, who: are looking to deepen their personal process, or are considering (not necessarily having decided) to make their final paper and go for the international exam, are in the process of tentatively putting some words on paper, are writing a paper, are writing their cases, have made the examination but still need to send in their cases, etc. We hope that by this retreat these processes will be furthered and become more of a shared effort.

      During this six days retreat, we will be having instruction, investigative meditation and exchange in the early morning, time for individual practice after that. Those who wish can continue this individual practice or one can take time to reflect on their individual process to start writing or continue writing in the afternoon. There will again be the opportunity to take sessions and individual tutoring with graduates and join the tutorclasses at the end of the afternoon. Some evenings are reserved for the exchange on how UD is changing our personal and professional life.
      In this way, we hope to encourage and practically support each other in this individual process of becoming a graduate. Again, it is not necessary to have decided to go for the writing of a paper, wanting to get a taste of this process or to investigate whether this would suit you is a good motivation to join. For those who are in the process of writing, this would be a wonderful opportunity to completely immerse in the material and write from your deeper base.

      Marcevol France


      The retreat will be from Tuesday morning July 2rd to Saturday the 6th. So travel days are Monday July 1 and Sunday July 7. It will be organised at the Prieure of Marcevol at the south of France.
      Nearby the international trainstation and airport of Perpignan.
      For a small group of people there is the opportunity to bring a tent and camp in the yard, enjoying the view on the mountains. For those who do not know the Prieure and its surroundings: there is ample opportunity for hiking and enjoying the mountain scenery. And a swim in the Mediterranean or the waterfalls is also possible.


      Since we have to confirm our arrangements soon, we would appreciate if you could sent us as soon as possible wether you like to join this retreat. If you are considering to do so but not sure yet wether you can make it: please let us know too. E-mail to:

      Warm greetings and looking forward seeing you soon,

      The Educational Board:
      Lene Handberg, Cecilia Innanen, Christine Klett-Esters, Beate Salzburger, Sandrine Gousset, Genevieve Hamlet, Caroline Vossen, Frances Nijssen.

    • Subscription First UD International Training 2023-2026 still possible until 3 Febr. 2024

      There is a extra module 1 week 1 in 2024 organized to give new students the possibility to join this training.

      This will be from 3th until 9th February 2024 on location in Tarab Ling India or online via Zoom

      For full details, see:

    • Buddhist Psychology I – The Cradle Available On Amazon

      This book is based on UD Training in Brussels, Vaibhāṣika 1995, Module I, Part 1, a copy of which was published in 2014 in connection with the inauguration of Tarab Ling, Dehradun, India in a limited number.
      The present version has been edited in 2018 to 2021 and parts has been adopted from the UD Training, MI, Part 1, Vaibhāṣika, Hamburg and Nijmegen respectively in 2003 and 2013; it was finally brought into a comprehensive pedagogic form in 2022-2023.

      For preview see below, and the “books” page
    • “Man of Peace”, published by Tibet House, US (New York)

      Man of Peace is the major graphic novel undertaken and printed by Tibet House US (NY).
      It is an Illustrated Life Story of the Dalai Lama of Tibet, the profit of which goes directly to nonprofit support of Tibet House US (NY), of which HH Dalai Lama is the patron.

      “Read this beautiful book and be inspired… the more you learn about this man and his extraordinary life, the more inspired you will be….”

      Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

      The book is added in the TII website “books” page, for full details and how to purchase: see

      At present Tibet House US (NY) is kindly announcing Dream Wisdom 1-page “Special mention” in the Tibet House US, (NY) newsletter, DRUM (Spring/Fall 2023) see page 24:

      For a pdf of this specific page see below.

    • Announcement first UD International Training 2023-2026

      This first UD International training is in the frame of the Tarab Institute Spain, Tarab Ling, India and Tarab Institute Denmark.
      In this UD International Training we offer four courses every year, partly on Zoom, partly “hybrid” (with presence at Tarab Ling India and on Zoom).

      All Week Courses of the UD Training are planned to be given by Lene Handberg;
      Weekend courses and Individual Sessions may be given by especially dedicated UD Graduates.

      For upcoming courses see page Events (you can select with keyword “International training”)

      Course program schedule:

      ProgramIndian Standard TimeCentral European Time
      Teaching Session – I11:30 am – 12:30 pm8:00 am – 9:00 am
      Break12:30 pm – 12:45 pm9:00 am – 9:15 am
      Teaching Session – II12:45 pm – 2:00 pm9:15 am – 10:30 am
      Break2:00 pm – 3:00 pm10:30 am – 11:30 am
      Teaching Session – III + Q&A3:00 pm – 4:15 pm11:30 am – 12:45 pm

      For detailed practical information, cost and registration see below

      Course prices

      Course prices on Zoom

      7-DAY COURSES (short day): 7 days, 3’5 hours/day (see “program schedule”above)
      Price for Indians: 8000INR
      Prices for Europeans and Overseas: 150€ repeaters
      275€ normal
      400€ benefactor price

      TEXTBOOKS: For each course there is a text book. It will be available on-line for a limited time and can be purchased at Tarab Ling in paper format for 20€ per book.

      Course prices at Tarab Ling, Dehradun India

      Indians, 7 days without board,including course price and lunch and teas: 7.000 INR
      Indians, 7 days including board and course price: 14,000 INR

      European and Overseas Lodging 7 days (one course)

      RoomReduced *NormalBenefactor
      Single Room200€270€340€
      Double Room140€/each210€280€

      European and Overseas Teachings at Tarab Ling, 7 days (or on Zoom)

      Reduced *NormalBenefactor

      Reduced * : Option only available for repeaters

      Please note that if you are in an economical pressed situation or live in a country where the earnings are low, the rates can be negotiated.

      For Tarab Ling Practical Information (accommodation, preparation for India travel, travel and more…) click here

      Registration for the UD International Training

      For your registration, you chose the one for you most convenient Tarab Institute among these three:

      Please name your email: “UD International Training”

      If you have already taken a specific UD training course, in regard to this course(s) you belong to the group of REPEATERS, and you are not obliged to pay the full amount but, of course, always welcomed.
      The UD Training weeks build upon each other and have to be taken in the right order. However, if you are a REPEATER, you may join whichever of the course(s) you wish to repeat, while jumping other courses.

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