Nearness to Oneself – Openness to the World
Fall in love again.
Learn kindness and love for oneself.
If we are not comfortable with ourselves, relating to the world around us will be challenging.
This workshop is on resetting our hard drive.
Using a series of practices, work with achieving a natural relaxed way of being you.
How is our relationship with the world around us? Establishing a kind appreciation of ourselves allows space for life as it is to interact with us.
content workshop
Love is related to the ability to unite with oneself and in harmony with others. In the Indo-Tibetan tradition, to know oneself employs re-entering a deep natural feeling state, opening a natural relation with others and the world at large.
To be open implies making inner room for experiencing what actually “is”. The vision we have of others depends on the relationship we have established with ourselves. Beyond body, thoughts, language, emotions there exists a level of being, which implies the feeling of existing without needing other support than oneself. Established in our natural state of being, we feel strong in ourselves and can afford to give space to the natural experience of others too.
In everyday life, love is related to unhindered openness to oneself and others, which is rare to experience for long. If we are closed to ourselves or go into defense we do not relate harmoniously. To be open implies on a psychological level or an energy level making inner space for experiencing what is, without projection or expectations and preconceived ideas. In this state of openness so-called positive and negative aspects are not perceived as contradictory but seen as relational; they naturally coexist. The deepened openness is related to the beginning stage of spiritual love and compassion.