For all senior students who-are in the process of becoming,-have finished the formal training and are considering to become,-already are,graduate in Unity in Duality (STM) After the succes of our retreats in Vallcebre and Marcevol in the last…
The Tarab Ling Institute website is launched in by the president of the board of the Tarab Ling Association.During the Launch Event the creators presented the new site to the audience existing of members of the TLA board…
For English version, click here En weekendkurs med Lene HandbergStockholm 26-27 oktober 2024 Under denna kurs kommer det indo-tibetanska perspektivet på döden och döendet att introduceras. Kursen är upplevelsebaserad och deltagarna kommer att få pröva meditationer och övningar…
For all senior students who-are in the process of becoming,-have finished the formal training and are considering to become,-already are,graduate in Unity in Duality (STM) After the success of our retreat in Vallcebre last year, we are happy…
There is a extra module 1 week 1 in 2024 organized to give new students the possibility to join this training. This will be from 3th until 9th February 2024 on location in Tarab Ling India or online…
This book is based on UD Training in Brussels, Vaibhāṣika 1995, Module I, Part 1, a copy of which was published in 2014 in connection with the inauguration of Tarab Ling, Dehradun, India in a limited number.The present…
Man of Peace is the major graphic novel undertaken and printed by Tibet House US (NY).It is an Illustrated Life Story of the Dalai Lama of Tibet, the profit of which goes directly to nonprofit support of Tibet…