International Retreat ‘Unity in Duality’ Sept 6th to 12th 2025 Martinske Hole, Slovakia
For all senior students who
-are in the process of becoming,
-have finished the formal training and are considering to become,
-already are,
graduate in Unity in Duality (STM)
After the succes of our retreats in Vallcebre and Marcevol in the last years, we are happy to announce that we have planned again such a retreat in 2025. The aim of the retreat is again to create the opportunity to strengthen your individual practice and condition, to support people in the process of becoming a graduate and most of all to further build on our international community, which we consider as of the utmost importance for the continuation and flourishing of UD in the coming years. This year the retreat will be organized in Slovakia, in cooperation with the Slovakian Institute.
The past three years we all have greatly enjoyed the meditations, the discussions with Lene to clarify deeply some key-concepts of UD, the undisturbed time to write from this meditative base, the supportive sessions and the evenings of exchange. Hence we are mostly sticking to this formula and hope it will be of use for the individual processes of all.
We are organizing this retreat for all senior students and graduates, who: are looking to deepen their personal process, or are considering (not necessarily having decided) to make their final paper and go for the international exam, are in the process of tentatively putting some words on paper, are writing a paper, are writing their cases, have made the examination but still need to send in their cases, etc. We hope that by this retreat these processes will be furthered and become more of a shared effort.
During this six days retreat, we will be having instruction, investigative meditation and exchange in the early morning, time for individual practice after that. Those who wish can continue this individual practice or one can take time to reflect on their individual process to start writing or continue writing in the afternoon. There will again be the opportunity to take sessions and individual tutoring with graduates and join the tutor-classes at the end of the afternoon. Some evenings are reserved for the sharing of how UD is changing our personal and professional life.
In this way, we hope to encourage and practically support each other in this individual process of becoming a graduate. Again, it is not necessary to have decided to go for the writing of a paper, wanting to get a taste of this process or to investigate whether this would suit you is a good motivation to join. For those who are in the process of writing, this would be a wonderful opportunity to completely immerse in the material and write from your deeper base. The theme of the retreat will be announced at a later moment.

Location, time, cost
The retreat will be from September 6th – we will start with dinner and an evening
introduction- and will end Friday 12th. at lunch. So plan your arrival on Saturday 6th. and your departure from Friday 12th. after lunch.
It will be organized at Martinske Hole, near the town of Martin in Slovakia. The center is beautifully located in the mountains near the National Park of the Little Fatra Mountains and is offering excellent opportunities for hiking.
The city of Martin is reached by train of by car from Bratislava. Pick ups will be arranged from the trainstation at Vrutky, which is one station before Martin.
The costs of this retreat are, as usual € 100,- plus the stay at the center. Which will be around € 70 euro for full board. We will let you know the exact prices for single and doublerooms as soon as possible.
Since we have to confirm our arrangements soon, we would appreciate if you could sent us as soon as possible wether you like to join this retreat. If you are considering to do so but not sure yet wether you can make it: please let us know too. E-mail to:
Warm greetings and looking forward seeing you soon,
The Educational Board:
Lene Handberg, Cecilia Innanen, Christine Klett-Esters, Beate Salzburger, Sandrine
Gousset, Genevieve Hamlet, Caroline Vossen, Frances Nijssen.